
The best tools for model-based verification


EverCheck is a qualifiable tool for static model analysis of Simulink®, Stateflow® and TargetLink® models and libraries. EverCheck provides all you need to check your models, including modelling quidelines, design fixes, verification reports and support, fused with just enough process to help you deliver safety compliant applications. No product training is needed to become productive. Watch the video below to get started:

EverCheck enforces a safe subset of a modeling language and detects run-time and logic errors at any model development stage. EverCheck has been certified as a tool for static model verification within a qualified development environment under ISO 26262 safety standard. It supports any MATLAB release since R2012b.

EverCheck Features

  • Modeling guidelines for safety related applications
  • Compliance checking for modeling guidelines
  • Graphical user interface for checking configuration and execution
  • Context-based exclusion handling and documentation
  • Automated report-renaming and -relocation
  • Automated guideline-based model correction
  • Model-web-view generator with a search capability
  • Programmable scripting interface for check automation
  • Qualification kit with validation tests
  • Automatic generation of safety compliant verification report

Basic System Requirements:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 7 or later;
  • MathWorks® MATLAB® and Simulink® R2012b or later.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • Individual perpetual or annual license;
  • Network named user license;
  • Concurrent license.

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EverTest is a qualifiable tool for dynamic model analysis of Simulink®, Stateflow® and TargetLink® models and libraries. EverTest software enables test-driven design and supports software-in-the-loop (SIL) and processor-in-the-loop (PIL) verification with manually developed or automatically generated external code. EverTest supports the creation, management, execution, assessment and documentation of simulation-based tests in a systematic manner.

EverTest enables requirements-based, equivalence, and back-to-back testing. You can generate verification reports, archive and review test results, rerun failed tests, and analyze the data- and control-flows in the models with an integrated step-by-step debugger. EverTest has been certified as a tool for dynamic model verification within a qualified development environment under ISO 26262 safety standard. It supports any MATLAB release since R2012b.

EverTest Features

  • Automated generation of a test harness and definition of unit interface
  • Graphical user interface for test case generation, configuration and execution
  • Pass-fail criteria, including reference values, absolute and relative tolerances
  • Automatic assessments and graphical representation of verification results
  • Integrated static model analysis and structural test coverage
  • Requirements-based, baseline, equivalence, and back-to-back testing
  • Step-by-step debugger for advanced data and control flow analysis
  • Import/export of test data for Signal Builder, MDF, MAT and XML
  • Qualification kit with validation tests
  • Automatic generation of safety compliant verification report

Basic System Requirements:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 7 or later, Excel® 98 or later;
  • MathWorks® MATLAB®, Simulink® and Simulink® Coverage R2012b or later.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • Individual perpetual or annual license;
  • Network named user license;
  • Concurrent license.

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For best collaboration on a project everyone on your team shall be able to see the entire model-base at any time without any extra tools, installations and licensing issues. Furthermore, the model views shall be fast and user friendly. The models shall be displayed exactly the same way as the developers wanted the models to look like. And you shall be able to comment such model views in a distributed way and then merge all the relevant comments.

Annotations in EverView

We do not provide an extra tool for that. No. We provide an easy to use EverTest feature that generates a Simulink view - EverView® - in a single HTML file which feels exactly like your Simulink model. No extra tools, no extra installations and no extra license costs are required after EverView generation. A regular web browser is sufficient to view the models and to comment in them. Even the data plots from signal builder and look-up tables are integrated! You can now freely view, search and comment in the model hierarchy.

EverView Features

  • EverView generation is a feature of EverTest
  • The generated EverView report is free from any license dependences
  • Off-line inspections and annotations in a regular web browser
  • Graphical user experience exactly like in your Simulink or Stateflow model
  • Native navigation capability to go up and down in all subsystem and chart levels
  • Exact display of all model characteristics including types, dimensions and colors
  • Graphical display of lookup tables and test-cases in the signal builder
  • Model tree representation of the exported model hierarchically
  • Customizable restriction of exporting depth for protected model parts
  • Adding, saving and merging of custom review annotations

Basic System Requirements:

  • Open EverView in any web browser of your choice.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • No license required after EverView generation.

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This video gives detailed instructions on download, installation, licensing and activation of EverTest. Pease note that the same installation workflow is applicable to the EverCheck software. Please follow the links below to download the EverCheck and EverTest software.

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Professional Video Training On-Demand

Model-based design methodology with associated processes and tools is very complex. EverBits Training Services provide a great way to gain the knowledge needed to become more effective using MATLAB®, Simulink®, Stateflow® and EverTest® for function development and verification based on the ISO 26262 standard.

Want to provide flexible, scalable, and affordable training options for your workforce? No matter what time it is and where you are in the world, we offer a set of professional video trainings designed for function developers who need a quick and effective start in model-based design. Here you’ll find high-quality materials available online 24/7. This self-paced offer includes E-Mail support on the materials and is the basis for our coaching activities. The following video courses are available:

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Introduction to MATLAB® for Simulink® Users

This self-paced video training provides a faster and more flexible way to learn MATLAB®. The course is intended for beginners and those who want to refresh their skills. No programming experience is required. The practical knowledge and essential features are presented in a didactically structured way. The trainee gains MATLAB® expertise naturally while viewing and repeating the instructions.

ML 1: Training Requirements (02:50)

  • Self-paced learning set-up
  • How to benefit most from it?
  • Methodology & Best Practices
  • Course outline

ML 2a: Importing and visualizing data in MATLAB (12:02)

  • Introduction to MATLAB
  • Starting MATLAB
  • Reading data sets from file
  • Saving and loading variables
  • Plotting multiple columns

ML 2b: Importing and visualizing data in MATLAB (15:20)

  • Customizing plots
  • Generating plot function
  • Creating shortcuts
  • Writing data to Excel-file
  • Getting help

ML 3: Data types and methods of data manipulation (29:00)

  • Integers, Strings, Cells, Structures
  • Methods of data manipulation
  • Indexing types in MATLAB
  • Calculations with matrices
  • Using MATLAB documentation

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ML 4: Automation of data manipulation (Scripting) (14:00)

  • Creating script files
  • Running scripts
  • Comments for documentation
  • Cell mode for easy debugging
  • Publishing MATLAB code

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ML 5: Using Functions for data encapsulation (17:00)

  • Creating & calling functions
  • Debugging for function insight
  • Subfunctions & workspaces
  • Precedence order
  • MATLAB path

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ML 6: Advanced programming techniques (20:00)

  • Scripts versa functions
  • Flow control and loops
  • Catching runtime errors
  • Defensive programming
  • Protecting intellectual property

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ML 7: Debugging and speeding up MATLAB Code (09:00)

  • Debugging MATLAB code
  • Using Breakpoints and stack view
  • Improving MATLAB performance
  • Stopwatch timer & profiler utility
  • Memory pre-allocation & re-use

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ML 8a: Creating custom graphical user interface (GUI) (06:00)

  • Import Wizard and Plot Tools
  • Introduction to Handle Graphics
  • Inspecting graphical objects
  • Relation of figure and function
  • Manipulating figure properties

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ML 8b: Creating custom graphical user interface (GUI) (20:00)

  • Plan & design of GUI in GUIDE
  • Properties of UI controls
  • Call-back functions
  • Passing handles-structure
  • Completion of custom GUI

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Introduction to Simulink® for Function Developers

This self-paced video training provides a faster and more flexible way to learn Simulink® for function development in production projects. The course is intended for beginners and those who want to refresh their skills. No programming experience is required. The practical knowledge and essential features are presented in a didactically structured way. The trainee gains Simulink® expertise naturally while viewing and repeating the instructions.

You will be able to model dynamic behaviour for continuous and discrete systems, simulate and verify algebraic, logical and state-driven systems. After developing models in different domains you will integrate the complete system and understand how to create custom blocks and libraries for future reuse. This course will provide you with all information you need to become an advanced function developer in Simulink®.

SL 0: Training Requirements (02:09)

  • Self-paced learning set-up
  • How to benefit most from it?
  • Methodology & Best Practices
  • Course outline

SL 1: Modeling Dynamic Systems (04:41)

  • Overview of Dynamic Systems
  • Dynamic System to be Modeled
  • Problems Best Addressed with Simulink
  • Detailed Course Overview and Layout

SL 2a: Modeling Algebraic Systems (15:55)

  • Defining an Algebraic Systems
  • Using Simulink Library Browser
  • Adding and Connecting Blocks
  • Creating Visual Hierarchies
  • Running the Simulation

SL 2b: Modeling Algebraic Systems (11:00)

  • Labeling Blocks, Signals and Parameters
  • Defining Inputs and Observing Outputs
  • Using Lookup Tables
  • Avoiding Algebraic Loops

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SL 3a: Modeling Logical Systems (20:39)

  • Defining a Logical System
  • Logical and Relational Operations
  • Detecting Zero Crossings
  • Watching System Response

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SL 3b: Modeling Logical Systems (20:49)

  • Watching System Response
  • Execution Order in Simulink
  • Debugging Simulink Models
  • Warnings and Errors in Simulink

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SL 4a: Modeling Continuous Systems (25:40)

  • Defining a Continuous System
  • Analyzing Differential Equations
  • Modeling Continuous-Time Dynamics
  • Choosing a Simulink Solver

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SL 4b: Modeling Continuous Systems (26:47)

  • Defining a Continuous System
  • Modeling Varying Response Time
  • Using Signal Builder and Scopes
  • System Integration and Test

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SL 5a: Modeling Discrete Systems (28:00)

  • Defining a Discrete System
  • Modeling Difference Equations
  • Configure Model Settings
  • Tuning PI Controller

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SL 5b: Modeling Discrete Systems (33:00)

  • Modeling a Hybrid System
  • Types of Rate Control in Simulink
  • Virtual and Atomic Subsystems
  • Defining Data Dictionary
  • Automated System Test & Tuning

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SL 6: Creating Custom Block Libraries (19:00)

  • Masking and Documenting Subsystems
  • Creating Custom Block Libraries
  • Configurable Block Libraries
  • Understanding Library Links
  • Integrating Libraries into Simulink

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Processes and Standards for Model-Based Design

This self-paced video training provides a faster and more flexible way to learn the ISO 26262 compliant processes and standards for model-based design. The course is intended for function developers and safety managers who already work with Simulink® and want to develop automotive applications based on ISO 26262 safety standard. No programming experience is required. The practical knowledge and essential requirements are presented in a didactically structured way. The trainee gains the related expertise naturally while viewing the instructions.

ST 1: Introduction to Processes and Standards (20:02)

  • System Engineering Problems and Solutions
  • Introduction to Production Software Development
  • Software Development Processes and Standards
  • Prerequisites and Required Work Products
  • Scope of Model-Based Design

ST 2: Modeling and Tool Application Guidelines (19:24)

  • Modeling & Tool Application Guidelines
  • Overview of Available Guidelines
  • Automation of Guideline Checking
  • Model Inspection and Documentation
  • Project Specific Guidelines
  • Developing Custom Model Checks

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ST 3: Test and Verification Workflow (21:02)

  • Design Verifier for Test Generation
  • Measuring Structural Model Coverage
  • Introduction to Regression Testing
  • Requirements-Based Testing with EZTEST
  • Step-by-Step Debugging in Simulink
  • Test Summary and Reporting

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ST 4a: Configuration Management (22:37)

  • Motivation for Configuration Management
  • Understanding Model Dependencies
  • Managing Simulink Environment
  • Version Control with Simulink

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ST 4b: Configuration Management (27:36)

  • Defining the Model Structure
  • Data Access and Visibility
  • Separating Data from Algorithms
  • Manage Model Configuration
  • Managing Signals and Parameters

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ST 5: Software Architectural Design (36:37)

  • Introduction to AUTOSAR Development
  • Ports, Internal Behavior and Runnables
  • Software Unit Identification
  • Subsystems, Libraries, References
  • Tracing Data and Control Flow
  • Documentation of Architecture

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ST 6: Software Unit Design and Implementation (27:41)

  • Developing Requirements
  • From Unit Design to Implementation
  • Requirements Coverage and Traceability
  • Scheduling Modes, Explicit Rate Control
  • Static Verification Techniques

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